Monday, June 21, 2010

Guest blogger has arrived at Outnumbered!

I have written about my friend Sarah in the past...she's one of those mommas that other mommas wanna be like.
Anyway, I'll cut to the chase - Sarah is super witty and I have often told her she should get off facebook for a few seconds and try blogging instead (haha Sarah!!) But seriously - I am honoured and grateful that she took time to write a post on my blog...I love this post, love this girl and I hope she'll come back again soon...enjoy!

Hi Gang!

I’m Sarah. I have 2 little guys. One mini man is 2.5 and our little dude is 12 months! Looking forward to more. Why the hell not! Huge props to Mama K for asking me to guest blog. I’m flattered…..and tired. Please forgive me if this is a serious entry. I just made my return back to work from mat leave….so I am still getting my bearings as a working mama of 2! Here are my thoughts:

I will blog about the one thing that we ALL think about every day. The driving force behind most of our decisions….the constant thorn in our side. $$$$ Moneeeeey. Cash. The buckaroonies rule our lives. But I have recently come to a fork in the coin paved road. See….we live in this day and age of MORE. BIGGER. FASTER and NOW. But I give up. I asked myself why….why do we chase more when all we need ….we already have. Will a bigger house make us happier, or advance our kids capacity to be successful? Will a newer car make me sleep better at night? Will signing my kids up to 5 activities a season make them achieve more success down the road? Should I continue to work full time in constant pursuit of more $$$$$$$.

Well…Mama Shoe has reached a personal decision. I finally saw my light. I came to this place of contentment using my memories. Ya I got all deep and stuff, all by myself one afternoon… a quiet room….and I took myself back to being a child. I searched the archives of my mind for a memory that brought me pure childhood joy. There weren’t many. My family was also living the cha-ching life style. Huge house….amazing trips around the world……best of everything. In the middle of our high falutin fancy pants lives, there were good times. Warm memories. Those moments did not involve anything material. When I think of what made me feel loved and secure….I think of one on one time. Trips as a family to the beach. Just us and the beach. Laughs, food, games, and just TIME. Together. And guess what. The beach is free. Those days we had as a family with nothing to distract us…are likely the most precious memories I have of my childhood. I will not let myself get distracted by the pursuit of more. I will not keep my kids busy all the time by carting them from this game to that class. I will let kids be kids and play. I vow to give them my time. Just us and them. So now as I try to implement my new found wisdom…..I am also touched by reality.

Of course we need money. And we want to give our kids the best in life. Family vacations… sports. All that jazz-o-roonie. I’m not planning on taking that away. I’m planning a combo attack on this issue. Moderation. Make a bit of cash…perhaps work part time. But give the best of me and the most of my time to my children. Period. I am confident that they will look back on their childhoods and remember US. TOGETHER. Spending time, without distractions. I want more of them…..I value that now more anything.
So Mama Shoe wasn’t’ so crazy side splitting funny in her guest bliz-og entry. Sometimes ya can’t be dropping killer jokes…if your heart is feeling heavy with major decisions ahead. Looks like I have made mine. I am done asking myself questions. I know my answers. It is a personal choice for all of us. If you go with your heart and ask your head to take a back seat for a while… will likely be on YOUR right path.

Life…’s all about ups and downs, accomplishments and set backs. Bad hair days followed by “dang….I’m look’n HAWT for a mama” days. Can’t predict tomorrow…can only do our best today.

Perhaps I can request that outnumbered mama allow me another opportunity to guest blog. Next time I will be light hearted…..crack a few zingers and have a little fun. Had to stay true to my “sitch” this time guys….just keeping it real.

~Mama Shoe is out~


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